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Saturday 14 May 2011

Best Buy to offer HP'S Veer 4G for free

For fans of souped up smartphones, HP’s tiny Web OS-equipped Veer 4G may be a tough sell. But Best Buy is trying its best to make the device more compelling to customers.
According to PreCentral, Best Buy is preparing to offer HP’s smallest phone for free with a two-year contract. This doesn’t extend to the black version of the phone, however, as Best Buy will only be selling the device in white.
While the move is sure to be a great one for customers, its rarely a good sign for a phone to be offered for free so early in its life cycle. Is it possible that retailers don’t have much faith in HP’s shrunken device?
The HP Veer will be available on May 15th for $99 via AT&T.
[Via PreCentral]

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